Defend Warren
Dedicated to the economic growth and development of Warren, Ohio. Negativity not allowed. PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) all day. We will also be capturing stories of those who have lived and do live in Warren.
Defend Warren
Lexi Mager
James F. Guy Jr
Season 1
Episode 5
I break out of the mission statement for the show, which I can do. :) I interview Lexi Mager. Listen to her stories from being born in Russia and was put into an orphange till the age of 6. She was put into an orphange because of a "disability". She was adopted by a local family and brought to America, not speaking a word of english. She graduated from Champion High School and is now a personal trainer. She shares what it takes to do a figure competition. Everything from diet and exercise to the proper mindset. "Don't let people define you" - Lexi Mager.